Friday, June 15, 2007

Just an update!

Hey guys. just wanted to let everyone know that I'm fine and work is going great! I'm still alive and kicking. Night guys. Write back! Love Kyra.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Hey Guys!

OMG!!! This summer has started off great, but I'm so missing all of my friends and family. I knew I would miss them but wow. I really really really miss them. It's amazing how when you're not around people that you normally are, how you realize how much they impact your life. I miss my sisters, all three of them *Eden, Tay, and Jessieh* I knew I would miss them, but like I said, I didn't know it would be this bad. Today is my baby sister's, Sadye, birthday. She turns 5 today. Wow I feel so old. I'm the oldest out of all of us, and they all just keep getting bigger and bigger. Time flies and man has it surely flown. I remember that day in June when my mom gave birth to my beautiful baby sister, Sadye. She was so little and just everything that would end up being my life. Both of my sisters, Crystal and Sadye, are my life. My son was and still is, but they will always be my life since the day my mom found out that she was pregnant. I got to tell Sadye happy birthday today, but it wasnt the same. I hope everybodies summer goes great for them, mine is. I miss you guys. I love you! Kyra!